Ketchup On Eggs Used By Most? Oh God, No!

flickr tracy keller

I came across a Buzzfeed survey today which said that 54% of people put ketchup on their eggs at times. My first thought was, the majority of those respondents are off their meds – no wonder our current political state is so messed up.

Tried to find that survey on line but only could come up with a similar Buzzfeed survey HERE, which asked, among other things ketchup-related, if you add ketchup to your eggs. I voted “No,” as any real American would, and saw that I was in the majority (62% said NO) of those who answered this survey question.

For years, My wife and I have argued about the merits of the red, tomato-light concoction and whether or not it should be added to legitimate food. Much to my chagrin, she loves ketchup on hot dogs. I grew up going to Detroit Tiger games at the old Tiger Stadium. In the stands, the vendors didn’t even give you the ketchup option. It was a sacrilegious notion. You may have been removed from the premises if you even asked for the red stuff. You got mustard or nothing on it. And those dogs were delicious with the bitter, yellow condiment.

I may be in the minority, but I believe you should not mix sweet and salty things. Ketchup is mostly sweet. Hot dogs are not. Dogs need condiments, but mustard is the clear, intelligent choice. Cheese, onions and Chili are also very much acceptable additions to dogs. I guess hot sauce is fine, but it overpowers any egg flavor.

The sweet/salty rule can only be violated in one case: heavenly Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Sweet and sour chicken, for instance, is one of the worst ideas since Trickle Down Economics.

My wife, though, continues to apply that sweet, tangy tomato sauce on otherwise perfectly fine food entrees, like instant potatoes. Ketchup should be limited to use on French Fries only. At least we agree on politics and which way the toilet paper roll should go in the bathroom. What say you on this vitally important ketchup-on-egg debate?

Doc Watson
