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Elton John Biopic Rocketman Is Next Rock-Inspired Film[VIDEO]

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Queen’s biopic film, “Bohemian Rhapsody,” took forever to make, but was well worth it. Last year’s BoRhap is the most successful music biopic of all time and smashed box office records in the genre. And the film won a few awards, too, you might remember, like four Academy Awards. I loved it, most did, screw the critics.

I didn’t see the Motley Crue film, “The Dirt,” as they’re not on my list of all-time favorite bands, but fans of the band loved the movie. Fellow GLO jock Anna Kinkade and my boss, Bahan, gave it thumbs up. I’m sure our 80’s GLO house band, Decade of Decadence, dug it.

Now, this weekend, Elton John’s story comes to the big screen in “Rocketman,” which follows his life from young music prodigy to struggling writer to his hook-up with Bernie Taupin and the glory days – rise and drunken fall included. I grew up as the youngest of six kids at the tail end of baby boomer generation, so Elton’s albums played on the Watson turntable frequently. I’m sure I’ll love this one,too.

I’ve seen some ads and trailers for two other rock-oriented films coming out later this year, inspired by The Beatles and Bruce Springsteen. They look good, too.

The Beatles film is called “Yesterday.” It’s due out June 28 and is about a young unsuccessful singer who wakes up to a world where he’s the ONLY person who remembers The Beatles. He proceeds to commandeer their songs and become a pop rock sensation. Star singer Ed Sheeran plays himself in the movie. I’m sure the music will rock, but I hear it’s also a romance movie, so…. It does have SNL’s Kate McKinnon, who plays the manager, so that’s a plus.

The Springsteen-inspired movie is called “Blinded By The Light,” expected to be released August 14. It’s the story of a young Pakistani immigrant, living with his family in England and struggling with discrimination. That part sure sounds a lot like the real-life Freddie Mercury story. Anyway, the protagonist wants to be a writer, and The Boss’s lyrics and music move him to chase his dream. It’s got Springsteen music in it, so color me there.

And there are also upcoming films about Lynyrd Skynyrd (Street Survivors) and Journey (focusing on Arnel Pineda’s story) that are possibly coming out this calendar year.


Doc Watson




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