Honoring 50th Moon Landing Anniversary With Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon Saturday, 9 PM [VIDEO]

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We’re playing tribute this weekend to the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing. On July 20, 1969, the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle landed at 5:17 pm our time. Neil Armstrong, then Buzz Lightyear, er rather, Aldrin descended down the steps of the lander to the strange, dusty surface of the moon – the first humans to ever set foot there.

We’ll honor that courageous moment 50 years ago to the day on Saturday, the 50th anniversary of the lunar landing. We’ll play the entire Dark Side of the Moon album from Pink Floyd, in its entirety, beginning at 9 pm.

The Eagle has landed, Saturday night with Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon on 95.5, GLO!

Doc Watson
