With the state of Illinois following CDC guidelines for trying to keep the Coronavirus (COVID-19) from spreading, Governor J.B. Pritzker is ordering all large-scale, crowd events with more than 1,000 people expected to be cancelled for the next 30 days, hoping to contain and limit the virulent virus. He’s also calling for community events withe more than 250 people to be called off or postponed during that time, too.
Accordingly, the Peoria Civic Center is postponing all ticketed events until May 1. And the Rivermen hockey season is suspended, per the SPHL. Here’s the official word from their Facebook page HERE. This sucks on many levels. I was planning on attending the Foreigner concert Monday, March 16, at the Civic Center Theater, for example. Not now.
The plan is to reschedule these events later this year. Hold on to your purchased tickets and use them then. Refunds will be available AFTER the new event date is scheduled only.
Here are some of the GLO-related shows that will be affected:
March 16, Foreigner
March 20, Aaron Lewis
March 27, Bert Kreischer
March 29, One Night of Queen
April 1, REO Speedwagon
April 22, Tesla.
Doc Watson