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Essential Jams For Essential Workers During 5 O’Clock Free Ride. Let Me Know Where You’re Working.

flickr nurse april

The great pandemic of our time, coronavirus COVID-19, continues to dominate our thoughts and life. I’m now broadcasting from my bedroom, a career first, as radio is considered an essential job. However, our company wants us to stay home and, hence, the current setup.

I have kids who also work essential jobs during this shelter-in-place, unprecedented world we’re living in. My daughter’s a nurse and my son’s a money delivery man. Both are unable to work from home or tele-work as the corporate suits would call it.

During my 5 O’Clock Free Ride, and all throughout the day at GLO for that matter, we play the essential jams you need to get through this stressful, anxious time. I’m looking to hear from you who are still working at jobs deemed essential. Let me know your name and what/where you’re working, and I’ll give you a shout out and a 95.5, Hi Five. Just jot a quick post at our GLO Facebook page.

We’re all in this together, so let’s be good to one another, and we’ll get through this rough period together. United We Jam, from your home for classic rock for over 25 years, 95.5, GLO.

Doc Watson





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