Here in Central Illinois, we have the best Classic Rock fans on the planet. That’s you! We appreciate you cranking up 95-5, GLO every day! We are hard working here in the Peoria metro area, and we support each other during difficult times. Are you a local business owner in Central Illinois? Have you considered 95-5, GLO for your marketing and advertising? Think about this, you and your business could have a consistent message on the Bob and Tom show each morning, or on Steve Gorman Rocks!, nights on GLO. We would love to discuss your strategy plans for the year! This is what we do, we love to be creative, unique, and deliver on the goals of our clients. Just imagine, a unique plan, just for you, on our Classic Rocker! Enjoy Steve Gorman Rocks! Each Weeknight, 7pm-Midnight, here, on 95-5, G-L-O!
So, if this is something that sounds great to you, as a business owner in Central Illinois, please send us your contact and business information to:
[email protected], or leave a audio message at 309-669-1220.
Thank you, we hope to talk to you soon!
Matt Bahan
Program Director
95-5, WGLO