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We’re Celebrating “40 Years” Since Van Halen Played The Peoria Civic Center Arena, All Day Saturday!

Well, you just had to be there! Many of you Central Illinois Classic Rock fans were, June 29th, 1984, the Mighty Van Halen played the Peoria Civic Center Arena…the 1984 Tour, with the original Four, David Lee Roth, Edward and Alex Van Halen, and Michael Anthony. The band was simply on fire, a #1 album, a #1 song with “Jump”, and when they pulled into Peoria, the song and video for “Panama” was just released. The show was busting sold out. It was my very first Rock show as a Kiddo. The show left a huge impression on me, the fans here in Peoria were simply out of their minds and loved this band. Van Halen killed it as well, blistering through their catalog, with loads of swagger, led by Roth. Diamond Dave leg kicked, sang, danced, pranced, and ran all over the stage. Edward Van Halen did a long, unbelievable guitar solo. Alex did his customary drum solo as well, and Michael Anthony showed off his new Jack Daniels Bass Guitar.

This Saturday, 40 years to the day, June 29th, we will be celebrating “40 Years Of Van Halen Fury”, with Two-Fers from the Mighty VH at the top of every hour, 9am-7pm. We will showcase the iconic 1984 Album of course, but their entire catalog from the first six albums with Diamond Dave. So, slide on some spandex, and let’s Rock out, here, on 95-5, G-L-O!

