Aerosmith Rock Nuggets Featured On Doc’s Deep Dive This Week At 6:15p [VIDEO]

flickr friskytuna

At Peoria’s home for classic rock the past 25 years, we play a lot of Aerosmith songs, certainly all the Boston band’s biggest hits. But Doc’s Deep Dive is where you can go for those dandy tunes not on the radio enough or anymore or ever.

Tune in at 6:15 pm this week to hear some tasty tunes from the Toxic Twins past. I think I could do a month straight of Deep Dives on this prolific band, and many of these great rockers surely need some more radio light shined on ’em. Enjoy:

M, 6/17, Draw The Line

Tu, 6/18, You See Me Cryin’

W, 6/19, Mama Kin

Th, 6/20, Remember, Walkin’ in the Sand

F, 6/21, Sick As A Dog

Doc Watson
