Hey, 95-5, WGLO Classic Rock Fans! Matt Bahan here, just want to say “Thank you” for being amazing Classic Rock fans and supporting WGLO! As Program Director, it’s a real thrill and joy to be working here on WGLO with the Bob and Tom Show, Anna Kinkade, Doc Watson, Steve Gorman and April Rose! Timeless Classic Rock is what we do, and I teel it up righteously every weekday Noon-3pm, and on your weekends as well for our “Lost Classics No Repeat” Weekends! I simply love Van Halen, Zeppelin, Hendrix, Doors, Beatles, ZZ-Top, all of this amazing music! So, join me each day, and we’ll make your day more fun! Let’s Rock, and always remember to “Crank it to 11!”